Donald Trump gets shot at rally, UFC fighters react


Donald Trump has had to endure a lot in his push for a second term as the President of the United States, and you can now add a gunshot wound to that list.

With the US election just months away, the country remains divided on who should be instated into the White House. While the Democrats have a strong following, many of them believe it’s time for a new, fresher face to replace Joe Biden.

Republicans are firmly behind Donald Trump and even more so now that he survived a possible assassination attempt. 

Gunshots were heard ringing around Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania, causing the former President to duck for cover before security rushed to his aid.

As he emerged from the ground, Trump was pouring blood from a flesh wound, caused by either the gunshots or during the commotion.

Watch as he rises to an ovation from his supporters below.

The attempted assassination shocked the world and UFC fighters both past and present were quick to react.

Tim Kennedy led the charge, claiming that the only way to stop Trump is by killing him — which is what he insists they tried to do.

“Assassination attempt on President Trump,” Kennedy said on social media. “They have said it time and time again. There’s only one way to stop him. That is to kill him. That’s exactly what they tried to do.”

Nik Lentz followed, taking a similar approach to Tim Kennedy in praising Trump.

“F*** Joe Biden. That’s my President. We all know who tried to kill him. They did the same to Kennedy. We all knew this was coming. Imagine Joe Biden getting shot and stopping to say Fight!”

Related: Dana White says Donald Trump the ‘Greatest Fighter of all Time’

Many others weighed in on the bizarre event. Some offered their support to Donald Trump while others couldn’t believe what they were witnessing.


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